Sewing Projects

Sewing Projects

At the Anthony Seddon Centre we understand the importance of  utilising activities to help with coping with mental health issues and as part of the 5 ways to wellbeing, sewing is one of them.

The elephant in the room is about raising big issues and to encourage people to talk about their mental health. It was set up by MoveMENt in Warrington who asked other agencies, such as ourselves to talk about ‘The Elephant in the Room’.

This campaign has fed into one of our sewing projects and we have been making soft elephants which has helped those taking part in the project and to help raise vital funds for the charity.


I have spoken to 2 of our ladies to see why they are taking part:

Toni came across the sewing pattern for the elephant and came up with the initial idea, she finds that sewing helps to  quieten her mind and that there is a decrease in her hearing voices and seeing things. She is able to keep focused on just one thing when she is sewing. She also likes giving back to the charity after receiving support herself.

“It makes me feel good to give something back.”

Karen wants to gain more experience of understanding other people, of what makes them tick. She is learning how to make things she couldn’t before and is making friends, as well as supporting others and feels good that she is giving something back. She feels that she is doing ‘work’ rather than just sitting at home and feeling lonely and low.

“I’m buzzing! I’m getting my life back.”

Karen is also helping to get our next sewing project off the ground which is to support Healthy Young Minds Pennnine with their 1001 babies for Infant Mental Health week in June.

The projects and activities we do are so important for raising awareness of mental health and to be able to offer support and opportunities for those who may not feel able to access other activities due to their mental wellbeing.

We could not do these activities without the funding and support from other organisations and we would like to give a massive Thank You to the Ashley Family Foundation for their generous donation to help fund our ongoing sewing projects. It is kindness like this that enables us to provide such supportive activities in our centre.


Hand Crafted Elephant
Hand Crafted Elephant
Hand Crafted Elephant
Hand Crafted Elephant
Hand Crafted Elephant

These Elephants plus much more will be available in our New Online Charity Shop The Anthony Seddon Online Shop