Mental Health Community Awards

The Anthony Seddon Fund are looking for local people who go above and beyond to promote positive mental health and wellbeing in the community. We have three categories, ‘Education Staff Member’, ‘Workplace Colleague’ and ‘Member of Public’.

We want people to nominate a teacher/colleague/family member/friend who has:
• Helped reduce stigma around mental health
• Raised money for mental health charities
• Made an individual impact on someone’s life
• Raised awareness of positive mental health and wellbeing strategies in an education setting/workplace
• Gone above and beyond to raise awareness of positive mental health and wellbeing

If you know someone who has achieved any of these then please complete the form on the right. You can also download a paper form (Mental Health Community Awards Nomination Form)and e-mail to or post to:

Ben James
The Anthony Seddon Fund,
12 George Street,

The deadline for nominations are Friday 17th May. Winners will be notified and invited along to our “10th Anniversary Celebration Open Day” event on Saturday 8th June to collect their prize.