Setting Up Your Online Fundraising Page
JustGiving is one of the easiest platforms to use for fundraising and setting up your own fundraising page is easy to do.
Just follow these simple steps below:

Step 1: Click on our JustGiving link:

Step 2: Click on the orange 'Fundraise For Us' button in the top right corner.

Step 3: Click on Sign Up if you do not already have an account, otherwise login to your existing account.

Step 4: You will be taken to the 'What Are You Doing' page. Here you can click on various events as well as do your own thing.

Step 5: Here you will be able to add the details of your event.

Step 6: Click on the blue 'Create Your Page' on the bottom of your events page.

Congratulations! You are all set up - all that's left to do is share your fundraising page with others.

All that's left to do is share your fundraising with others!
See Promoting Your Fundraising for more information.